To Kill A MockingBird, 281 Pages

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n/a: To Kill A MockingBird, 281 Pages (1960, Warner Book)

Published Jan. 1, 1960 by Warner Book.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

One of the best-loved stories of all time, To Kill a Mockingbird has been translated into more than 40 languages, sold more than 30 million copies worldwide, served as the basis for an enormously popular motion picture, and voted one of the best novels of the 20th century by librarians across the United States. A gripping, heart-wrenching, and wholly remarkable tale of coming-of-age in a South poisoned by virulent prejudice, it views a world of great beauty and savage inequities through the eyes of a young girl, as her father -- a crusading local lawyer -- risks everything to defend a black man unjustly accused of a terrible crime.

Lawyer Atticus Finch defends Tom Robinson -- a black man charged with the rape of a white girl. Writing through the young eyes of Finch's children Scout and Jem, Harper Lee explores with rich humor and unswerving honesty the irrationality of …

87 editions

A forward novel that we already moved past

3 stars

The book represents a point of view of a child during the 30's written by someone who was a child during the 30's, which brings valuable historical authenticity. It was published in the 60's and due to its immediate success it was a part of a shift in attitudes regarding the civil rights movements of the 70's. Reading the book with this context in mind is an interesting experience because to a contemporary mind, the 60's is in many ways more absurd than was the 30's to the author.

The novel own its own merit is greatly delivered, with enough character building and contextualization that by the time the main plot arrives my metropolitan millennial mind is decently acclimatized to a completely alien society and culture. The naive, progressive-household-raised, clean slate kid point of view gives the narrator plausible bewilderment when facing the pervasive racial injustice and hypocrisy the book …

Gizarte bat ume batek interpelatua

4 stars

Autobiografiko samarra omen da, idazlea neskatila zenekoa. Ingeles berezia dago dialogoetan, AEBetako hegoaldekoa.

Beltzen esklabotzaren amaierako gizartea erakusten du nobelak. Gaur egun oraindik badago arrazismoa, baina liburua argitaratu zenean funtzio sendagarria izan omen zuen liburu honek, aurrera egiten lagundu omen zuen.

Gomendatzen dut irakurtzea. Eta ondoren, 1962ko zuri-beltzeko film zaharra ikustea ere bai, liburuan bezalaxe guztia!

Recensione de "Il buio oltre la siepe"

4 stars

Romanzo per giovani adultǝ scorrevole e di forte impatto, ma capisco perché molti americani non apprezzino: vederselo obbligato come libro sul tema razzismo nelle scuole non mi sembra proprio il massimo, visto che se lo si analizza con minuzia cade talvolta nella narrativa del salvatore bianco.

reviewed Matar un ruiseñor by Harper Lee (Los Jet de Plaza & Janés -- 83)

Review of 'Matar un ruiseñor' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

¡Qué lectura tan entrañable! La elección de una narradora infantil, de 8 años, es todo un soplo de aire fresco. La inocencia, imaginación y curiosidad de una niña permiten ver con otros ojos lo que, en realidad, es todo un drama social: la injusticia y discriminación sistemática de la población negroamericana. Ha sido uno de esos libros que me han dejado con buen sabor de boca pese a lo agrio de sus acontecimientos, lo cual es de agradecer en este contexto de desesperanza en el que proliferan tantas novelas trágicas, pesimistas y negativas en general. El final de Matar a un ruiseñor no es ningún cuento de hadas, es la realidad misma, pero cómo contar la realidad marca la diferencia, y creo que eso es lo que más me ha ganado de este libro.

Review of 'To Kill a Mockingbird (To Kill a Mockingbird, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Es cierto que en su afán moralista esta novela hace por momentos una distinción peligrosa y simplista entre "gente buena" y "gente mala". Al margen de eso, habiéndome criado en el campo y en pueblos pequeños, sus descripciones de la infancia, de los juegos, razonamientos y acontecimientos que la caracterizan, me supieron tanto a la mía propia que fue un placer nostálgico leerla.

Desafío de lectura 2015: Un libro ganador del Pulitzer.


Menciones directas:
The Old Benchers of the Inner Temple, de Charles Lamb (citado en el epígrafe).
The Gray Ghost, de Seckatary Hawkins.
* La Biblia, anónimo.


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