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Me llamo Fer. Hablo apasionadamente de cosas inconexas y a veces diseño, pero aquí vengo a hablar de libros. «La libertad es siempre y exclusivamente libertad para el que piensa diferente».

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Antonio Maestre: Infames : El retroceso de España (2020, Plan B ) 5 stars

Review of 'Infames : El retroceso de España' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Esta es una obra de lectura rápida, lo que no la desmerece en absoluto. Es una forma de entender otra leyenda negra de la que apenas se habla; la de quienes, amparados en el parapeto de la Nación, se han servido de ella al servicio de sus propios intereses, o quienes las han vinculado a las más despreciables tradiciones. Es una forma de entender otra España que reivindicar, y que merece su reconocimiento para, de una vez por todas, poder afirmar que los valores de los que presumimos son para todos, y no siempre para unos mismos ganadores.

"After examining the midcentury rise of cybernetics, the science of self-governing systems, and the emergence …

Review of 'How not to network a nation' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book is a good account of the failure of the Soviet Union to implement its own version of the Internet. Whilst it provides an invaluable set of information about each initiative and the reasons of its demise, the theoretical framework upon which the analysis is based relies too much on the "homo economicus", selfish individual, with sprinkles of Anthony Downs and Hannah Arendt. It is nevertheless a work worth reading.

Leigh Phillips, Michal Rozworski: The People's Republic of Walmart (Paperback, 2019, Verso) 4 stars

For the left and the right, major multinational companies are held up as the ultimate …

Review of "The People's Republic of Walmart" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book frames the case for planning on various fronts. You will find references to the multinationals we despise; explanations of the shortcomings of the public services we take for granted; mathematical discussions about unsolved problems with hopeful outlooks; and a healthy dose of history. We will get a fantastic toolbox and a catalogue of solutions to proceed when the conditions for democratic planning come to fruition. But its principles cannot be found in any book and will only result from deliberation and many factors out of our control but incidentally helpful for the socialist cause.

Frank O'Hara: Meditations in an Emergency (Paperback, 1996, Grove Press) 5 stars

Review of 'Meditations in an Emergency' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The style of Frank O'Hara's 'Meditations in an Emergency' might be oscure and intricate at times. It nevertheless encloses a sensorial experience that is unveiled in each poem, often intertwined with a profound and meaningful internal dialogue. That alone calls for a celebration of each of the pieces of this work.

George Orwell: Que no muera la aspidistra (2021, Debolsillo) 5 stars

Review of 'Que no muera la aspidistra' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Hay libros donde los personajes generan identificación; en otros, uno se siente ajeno, expectante. En este, el personaje genera auténtico asco. Solamente he tenido esta sensación leyendo "La caída" de Camus, pero aquí se ha vuelto aún mayor. En este caso, el dogmatismo e irresponsabilidad de un personaje que desea mostrar su superioridad moral condenándose al caos y la miseria es especialmente dolorosa. Con todo, la moraleja de la obra es interesante, pues permite analizar las contradicciones de clase de la Gran Bretaña de los años treinta, y muchas de las de la vida de Orwell, que, de una u otra manera, se retrata a sí mismo en las páginas de esta obra, que tuvo que escribir para poder comer ante sus repetitivos aprietos económicos.

Chantal Mouffe: Agonistics (2013, Verso) 4 stars

Political conflict in our society is inevitable, and the results are often far from negative. …

Review of 'Agonistics' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Chantal Mouffe raises sensible points in 'Agonistics'. An abridged compilation of her thoughts, it brings up many issues in the current state of affairs of democracy. While I find many of her ideas worth considering, my thoughts on other arguments are less favourable. Whereas she finds reason to be out of the question in the political arena and finds emotions as a good substitute for social cohesion, I believe the positive outcomes of this idea may not justify their use (indeed, she acknowledges the risks of a constructivist approach to nationalism in a context where essentialism is the norm.) However, her opposition to horizontalism is a good case, insofar as the idea of complete rejection of institutions may result in a suppression of pluralism, a key element of Mouffe's thought. With these issues in mind, a sensible defence of democracy and social pluralism needs to take the ideas of republican …

reviewed La plaça del diamant by Mercè Rodoreda (Club de butxaca ;)

Mercè Rodoreda: La plaça del diamant (Catalan language, 1984, Club Editor Kapel) 5 stars

Review of 'La plaça del diamant' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Me atrevería a decir que es uno de los libros más hermosos que he leído este año. Es una obra de descripciones largas y envolventes; metáforas que trascienden el ámbito de la figura literaria; y de una pelea entre el fuero interno y el externo continua. Todo ello configura un trabajo íntimo pero muy interesante como retrato personal y de la Barcelona de hasta mediados de siglo.

Erik Olin Wright, Michael Burawoy: How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century (Hardcover, 2019, Verso) 5 stars

Review of 'How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a good introduction to the ills of capitalism, the strategies that can be followed to transform it and how to get there. All with the benefit of no-bullshit Marxism at its finest; no obscure ideas, everything laid out clearly and with proper definitions, and a willingness to make anticapitalism accessible. I wholeheartedly recommend this read as a good one for anybody who wants to grasp the basics of anticapitalism, for those willing to learn more about democratic socialism, or just to get their mental contents in order in a world where understanding social phenomena is a daunting task in a sea of constant stimulation and agitation.

Jacob Goldstein: Money (2020, Hachette Books) 5 stars

Review of 'Money' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a fantastic primer on monetary history and a good book to raise questions on the future of money. It addresses a significant problem - most people tend to find economics difficult or overwhelming. Goldstein brings a good solution to the table. It is a short and informative work with a potential to encourage more people to get interested in economics; it is easy to read and the style is fresh and engaging. I have found it a great read and I believe it can make for an excellent present for the holidays.

Review of 'Human Rights Dictatorship' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Human rights are not a monolithic notion. Both from a historical and ideological perspective, the concept of human rights has been subject to different interpretations. This book does a fantastic job in portraying that process in a case study. By analysing the contradictions and the aims of the human rights policy of the East German government, one gets to understand that human rights go beyond the conventional wisdom of Western democracy in its quest against totalitarianism. On the contrary, human rights can have strong links to socialism and they may serve to cast light on issues where human rights become a synonym for self-determination, such as those of the anti-imperialist movement. Navigating the issues of this concept of human rights aids to a better understanding of the process that led to the end of the GDR and how this powerful concept could have become the spine of a democratic socialist …

Daniel Bernabe: Distancia Del Presente,La (Hardcover, 2019, Akal) 5 stars

Review of 'Distancia Del Presente,La' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Daniel Bernabé es una figura polémica, especialmente en el contexto del debate entre izquierda material y posmaterial. Su opera prima es muy controvertida e invita a tomar partido en un debate muchas veces maniqueo y cainita. Ello no obsta para que en este caso el autor sobresalga con un libro en que se destaca como un excelente cronista. Quien lo lea debe saber bien que esta lectura no es aséptica y equidistante. Bernabé expone un análisis de las contradicciones económicas y sociales que han trufado esta década prodigiosa made in Spain. Las menciones al nacionalismo contribuyen a afianzar dicha cosmovisión crítica con el orden existente, cuya síntesis, documentación y forma de redacción invitan a una lectura rápida y que se hace amena. Hay algunos detalles fácticos que pulir que probablemente serán zanjados en posteriores ediciones. Pero, pasando de lo particular a lo general, este es un buen trabajo para entender …

Review of 'Politics of Economic Decline in East Germany, 1945-1989' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book provides a complete account of the structural problems of the East German economy. As many other command economies, and by combining a general and a particular analysis, the author provides a chronological study of the issues plaguing the economic development of the GDR. Special attention is paid to the power dynamics in party leadership, especially at the local level. The addition of an analysis of the problem of consumer goods creates a clear picture of what could have been done to preserve the socialist system in the GDR.

Mark Landsman: Dictatorship and Demand (Hardcover, 2005, Harvard University Press) 4 stars

Review of 'Dictatorship and Demand' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book offers a sobering and detailed approach to the matter of consumption in socialist countries. By addressing the East German case, one gets and informed view of the topic. The work is well documented and balanced. It relies on comparative methods which help to contextualise and understand the content properly. The conclusion is interesting: a proper study of the shortcomings of early stage socialism is to be put in context. Otherwise, the attempts to analyse the topic may not provide an accurate picture. Landsman does so with merit. It would have been nice to see the results of his investigations, should he have chosen to extend his study to the Honecker era, which he does in a superficial manner.