Ted Chiang: Stories of Your Life and Others (2005, Tor) 5 stars

Ted Chiang's first published story, "Tower of Babylon," won the Nebula Award in 1990. Subsequent …

Review of 'Stories of Your Life and Others' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Tower of Babylon: Tale about the construction of the Tower of Babylon. A bit boring.
Understand: Interesting tale about intelligence enhancement.
Division by Zero: What happen when everything that you believe in turns out to be false?
Story of you life: The better so far. I love how the process to understand the aliens is described.
Seventy two letters: A boring tale about the kabbalah made science.
The evolution of human science: what happen when superhumans make human science irrelevant.
Hell is the absence of god: Funny story about angels seen as natural catastrophes.
Liking what you see - a documentary: I like when science fiction show ideas that makes me uncomfortable.