Gerardo wants to read Tiempo de cerezas by Montserrat Roig
Tiempo de cerezas by Montserrat Roig
Natàlia Miralpeix, la protagonista, vuelve a su ciudad, a la Barcelona de 1974, después de vivir doce años en Francia …
Candidato a doctor en ciencias y ayudante de profesor en la UNAM.
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8% complete! Gerardo has read 1 of 12 books.
Natàlia Miralpeix, la protagonista, vuelve a su ciudad, a la Barcelona de 1974, después de vivir doce años en Francia …
Finished the story "Darkrose and Diamond". It's a love story about two teenagers finding out what they want to do with their lives.
It's a great edition, Le guin and Vess made a good team.
The desire for power feeds off itself, growing as it devours.
— The Books of Earthsea: The Complete Illustrated Edition (Earthsea Cycle) by Ursula K. Le Guin
I've finished the third and fourth entries of the saga.
In "The Farthest Shore" the magic is running out of the world; Ged and the prince of Enlad part in an adventure to find out what the problem is. It's a book full of adventure, visiting many Islands in the archipelago.
In contrast, "Tehanu" has a slower pace. It's a fantasy novel in which dragons and magic are not in the foreground. It answers the question How does the dispossessed, children, women, handicapped, live in a world with magic? And doing so makes you think about the power relations in the so called real world.
El enfoque de este libro no es nada nuevo comparado con lo que otros libros ofrecen. Lo que sí es cierto es que está escritoe en un estilo muy divertido.
Mi única incomodidad es que fue escrito por alguien que trabaja en Silicon Valley y eso a veces le hace comentar cosas extrañas: como que LinkedIn es un buen ejemplo de redes sociales no dañinas que sí forman comunidad. ¿Quééé? jaja
Si esperas de este libro algo novedoso no lo vas a encontrar pero si esperas entretenerte un rato este libro sí ayuda por su estilo. Al igual que fantasía. Estaba en otro nivel
I finished the second book in the saga titled "The Tombs of Atuan". It's great.
It follows the story of Tenar, a girl taken to an old temple in the desert to be the priestess devoted to the "Nameless Ones", ancient gods long forgotten.
She was very lonely there; all her life changed when she met Ged, the first book's protagonist, who was in the underground labyrinth under the temple looking for an ancient relic. This encounter completely changes Tenar's life.
The main topics of the book are freedom, gender, and the power relations emanating between those, reflecting the anarchist views of Ursula. #books #bookstodon #fantasy #comeLibrosClub #UrsulaKLeGuin #LeGuin #Earthsea #anarchy Finished the first book 'A wizard of Earthsea'. I like how the book is not about good vs evil. It's more about a personal search of oneself. #fantasy #UrsulaKLeGuin