Normanefe reviewed ONE PIECE 104 by Eiichiro Oda (ONE PIECE (104)) Jun 14 Public 5 stars カイドウ、オロチの支配から20年…。辛い時を過ごしてきたワノ国を解放し、皆の笑顔を取り戻せるのか!? ルフィの拳に全てが懸かる!! ワノ国編、超絶最高潮!! “ひとつなぎの大秘宝”を巡る海洋冒険ロマン!! Review of 'ONE PIECE 104' on 'Goodreads' 5 stars 7/51050 broke me as no other One Piece chapter has.This is truly one of the great works I have ever read.
Review of 'ONE PIECE 104' on 'Goodreads' 5 stars 7/51050 broke me as no other One Piece chapter has.This is truly one of the great works I have ever read.