Reviews and Comments
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fitx0 rated SelfPreservation Society Boys: 3 stars
fitx0 rated The Boys Volume Four: 3 stars
fitx0 rated Over The Hill With The Swords Of A Thousand Men: 3 stars
fitx0 rated Perdido Street Station: 2 stars

Perdido Street Station by China Miéville (New Crobuzon, #1)
Beneath the towering bleached ribs of a dead, ancient beast lies New Crobuzon, a squalid city where humans, Re-mades, and …
fitx0 rated The Bloody Doors Off: 3 stars
fitx0 rated The Boys Vol. 1: 3 stars
fitx0 rated The Boys, Vol. 2: 3 stars
fitx0 rated Estupor y temblores: 2 stars

Amélie Nothomb: Estupor y temblores (Spanish language, 2007)
Estupor y temblores by Amélie Nothomb
Fear and Trembling (original title: Stupeur et tremblements, which means "Stupefaction and trembling") is a fictional, satirical novel by Amélie …
fitx0 rated El último pasajero: 4 stars
fitx0 rated Three Bags Full: 3 stars

Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann
A witty philosophical murder mystery with a charming twist: the crack detectives are sheep determined to discover who killed their …
fitx0 rated Más respeto, que soy tu madre: 3 stars
fitx0 rated The endless knot: 4 stars

The endless knot by Stephen R. Lawhead (Song of Albion -- bk. 3)
Fires rage in Albion: strange, hidden fires, dark-flamed, invisible to the eye. Llew Silver Hand is High King of Albion, …
fitx0 rated The Silver Hand: 4 stars