Reviews and Comments
Andaluz, informático, suelo leer ciencia ficción y fantasía
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advy rated Terry Pratchett: Una vida con notas al pie*: 5 stars

Terry Pratchett: Una vida con notas al pie* by Manu Viciano, Rob Wilkins
Terry Pratchett, el creador de la triunfal serie del Mundodisco, era conocido y apreciado a lo largo y ancho del …
advy rated Papá puerco: 5 stars

Terry Pratchett: Papá puerco (Spanish language, 2008, Debolsillo)
Papá puerco by Terry Pratchett (Bestseller -- 342/21)
Who would want to harm Discworld's most beloved icon? Very few things are held sacred in this twisted, corrupt, heartless …
advy rated Monster Kanzenban nº 04/09: 5 stars
advy rated Brujas de viaje: 5 stars

Brujas de viaje by Terry Pratchett
Be careful what you wish for...Once upon a time there was a fairy godmother named Desiderata who had a good …
advy rated Monster Kanzenban nº 02/09: 5 stars
advy rated La plegaria de la calle: 3 stars
advy rated Trenza del mar Esmeralda: 5 stars

Trenza del mar Esmeralda by Brandon Sanderson, Manu Viciano, Howard Lyon (Novelas secretas, #1)
En su isla natal sobre un océano verde esmeralda, la única vida que Trenza conoce es sencilla, marcada por el …
advy rated Legión y el alma del emperador: 4 stars
advy rated Trilogía de la Fundación: 5 stars

Trilogía de la Fundación by Isaac Asimov, Pilar Giralt Gorina;, Pilar Giralt Gorina (Ciclo de la Fundación, #3-5)
Foundation Foundation and Empire Second Foundation
Isaac Asimov's Foundation novels are some of the great masterworks of science fiction. Unsurpassed …
advy rated El metal perdido / The Lost Metal: 5 stars

El metal perdido / The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson
For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladrian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set―with his late uncle and …
advy rated La campaña escarlata: 5 stars
advy rated Promesa de sangre: 5 stars

Rechicero by Terry Pratchett
Sourcery is a fantasy novel by British writer Terry Pratchett, the fifth book in his Discworld series, published in 1988. …
advy rated Nona la novena: 5 stars

Nona la novena by Tamsyn Muir (La tumba sellada, #3)
Tu ciudad está bajo asedio. Han vuelto los zombis. Pero Nona solo quiere una fiesta de cumpleaños.
Nona es como …