Leftist Nonfiction Public

Created by vxnxnt

A list of leftist nonfiction books, in no particular order, which I have read and can personally recommend. From Socialism to Communism to Anarchism, whether historical or contemporary, if it's leftist it probably belongs here. And as I continue my literary journey, I will also naturally expand this list.

Any contribution to this list is welcome!

  1. The Divide by 

    5 stars

    · The richest eight people control more wealth than the poorest half of the world combined.

    · Today, 60 per …

    vxnxnt says:

    Global inequality and poverty is displayed in its entirety, as well as its origins and the profound consequences of free market Capitalism and Neoliberalism.

  2. Imperialism by 

    5 stars

    An Unabridged Edition with all charts, tables, and original footnotes, to include: Preface – Preface to the French and German …

    vxnxnt says:

    Lays forth the natural development of Monopolies in a capitalist free market and the following consequences as such.

  3. Less Is More by 

    5 stars

    The world has finally awoken to the reality of climate breakdown and ecological collapse. Now we must face up to …

    vxnxnt says:

    A history and critique of Capitalism with a call for Degrowth and Ecosocialism.

  4. Manufacturing Consent by ,

    5 stars

    In this work, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky show that, contrary to the usual image of the news media …

    vxnxnt says:

    Herman and Chomsky discuss the political economy of the mass media and put forth a propaganda system which they put into practice with an extensive look into multiple case studies.

  5. vxnxnt says:

    An FAQ written by Engels outlining communism and its principles.

  6. Wage-labour and capital & Value, price, and profit by 

    No rating

    Since their first appearance as separate brochures Wage - Labour and Capital and Value, Price and Profit have served as …

    vxnxnt says:

    Two relatively short works forming the basis of Marx's critique of the political economy.

  7. The Communist Manifesto by 

    4 stars

    Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License: www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/

    One of the most influential political tracts ever published …

    vxnxnt says:

    A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism.

  8. vxnxnt says:

    With this, Marx lays forth the basis for his idea of Communism while critiquing the socialist program of the german worker's party.

  9. Socialism, utopian and scientific by 

    No rating

    Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is a short book first published in 1880 by German-born socialist Friedrich Engels. The work was …

    vxnxnt says:

    Engels summarizes with this text the history of modern Socialism and lays out the foundations of Marxism as well.

  10. Are Prisons Obsolete? by 

    5 stars

    With her characteristic brilliance, grace and radical audacity, Angela Y. Davis has put the case for the latest abolition movement …

    vxnxnt says:

    A relatively short but very informative and insightful book on Prison Abolition.

  11. Anarchism and Other Essays by 

    4 stars

    The essays present Goldman's anarchist viewpoints on a variety of issues, including prisons, political violence, sexuality, religion, nationalism, and art …

    vxnxnt says:

    An insightful collection of essays on various topics, including anarchism, society, and feminism.

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