mass market paperback, 195 pages
Published Sept. 5, 2001 by Gallimard Jeunesse.
mass market paperback, 195 pages
Published Sept. 5, 2001 by Gallimard Jeunesse.
Things were already really weird. Fighting aliens. Battling to have Earth. And still trying to be normal. Marco, the other Animorphs, and Ax are almost used to it. But things are changing. The Yeerk invasion of Earth started out passively. Secretly. But now, everything seems to be stepped up. Even Marco's father is talking about some top secret project at his job. Something about developing Zero-space...
Marco doesn't even know whether his father is a Controller. But he does know he's not going to let the Yeerks win this one. They've already got his mother. And Marco will do anything it takes to save his father. Anything...