I Married a Communist

audio cd

English language

Published Jan. 1, 2007 by Phoenix Audio.

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Radio actor Iron Rinn is a big Newark roughneck lighted by a brutal personal secret from which he is perpetually in flight. An idealistic Communist, an uneducated ditchdigger turned popular performer, a six-foot, six-inch Abe Lincoln look-alike, he emerges from serving in WW2 passionately committed to making the world a better place and winds up instead blacklisted and unemployable, his life in ruins. I Married a Communist is the story of Iron Rinns denunciation and disgrace. It is also a story of cruelty, humiliation, betrayal and revenge - an American tragedy as only Philip Roth can conceive one - fierce and funny, eloquently rendered and deadly accurate.

17 editions


  • Literary
  • Fiction
  • Abridged Audio - Fiction/General
  • Abridged Audio / Fiction/General
  • Chronological Period/1950's
  • Fiction / Literary
  • Unabridged Audio - Fiction/General