The Wisdom of Crowds

Book Three


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5 stars (2 reviews)

Chaos. Fury. Destruction.

The Great Change is upon us...

Some say that to change the world you must first burn it down. Now that belief will be tested in the crucible of revolution: the Breakers and Burners have seized the levers of power, the smoke of riots has replaced the smog of industry, and all must submit to the wisdom of crowds.

With nothing left to lose, Citizen Brock is determined to become a new hero for the new age, while Citizeness Savine must turn her talents from profit to survival before she can claw her way to redemption. Orso will find that when the world is turned upside down, no one is lower than a monarch. And in the bloody North, Rikke and her fragile Protectorate are running out of allies... while Black Calder gathers his forces and plots his vengeance.

The banks have fallen, the sun of the …

3 editions

reviewed The Wisdom of Crowds by Joe Abercrombie

Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

4 stars

Imagine the French Revolution covertly instigated and conducted by a few influential figures of the establishment. With the sole aim of screwing other such people. Just to reinstall the monarchy in the end. A noble cause, perhaps. And a cunning plan. Quite naturally, things do not go as planned and take a turn for the worse. Things burn and people die in spectacular manner.

Surprisingly, the one who emerges as a complex character is Leo dan Brock. And that's it, as anything else in the book is predictable and happens exactly the way a reader had suspected since a certain prophecy in A Little Hatred. Still a great page turner.

Joe Abercrombie writes top contemporary fantasy, so do get The Age of Madness Series. You won't regret it.

Review of 'La sabiduría de las multitudes' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Cuando llevaba aproximadamente la mitad del libro pensaba, deprimida, que esta novela iba a acabar con tres estrellas.
Cuando me faltaba un tercio por terminar no tenía dudas de que iban a ser cuatro.
Tras cerrar el libro supe que las cinco se me iban a quedar cortas.
No dudaba que el final de La era de la locura iba a ser agridulce (ahí no he fallado) pero ni de casualidad pensaba que podía sorprenderme tanto. Hubo un momento que no vi posible ningún desenlace lógico pero Abercrombie lo ha hilado todo tan bien, tan plausible, tan razonado que sólo puedo aplaudirle por ello.
A eso hay que sumarle un desarrollo magistral de los personajes, tanto principales como secundarios y todos los guiños que hay a los libros anteriores con los que he disfrutado un montón ¡¡Qué ganas de releer los Héroes!!
No sé si volveremos en algún momento al …