Spanish language
Published 1929 by Ediciones de "La Lectura,".
reproducción fidelísima del autógrafo de el Escorial con las variantes del autógrafo vallisoletano, precedido de una introducción Clásicos castellanos.
Teresa of Avila: Camino de perfección (Spanish language, 1929, Ediciones de "La Lectura,")
Spanish language
Published 1929 by Ediciones de "La Lectura,".
A seminal work of Spanish mysticism, Teresa of Avila's The Way of Perfection describes the practices and qualities of a prayerful life devoted to Christ . She discusses a variety of maxims related to the practice of prayer and concludes with a thought-provoking commentary on the Lord's Prayer. A work of sublime mystical beauty, The Way of Perfection is above all a treatise of utter simplicity that offers lucid instruction to all seekers of a more meaningful way of life. Although it was written over 500 years ago solely for the nuns of her convent, her devotion continues to instruct and inspire believers today.