Published Oct. 17, 2016 by B DE BOOKS, B DE BOLSILLO.
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4 stars
(11 reviews)
La novela en que se basa la primera temporada de la serie de TV de Syfy The Expanse. Bienvenidos al futuro... La humanidad ha colonizado el Sistema Solar: Marte, la Luna, el cinturón de asteroides y más allá, pero las estrellas aún están fuera de nuestro alcance. Jim Holden es segundo de a bordo de un transportador de hielo que realiza misiones entre los anillos de Saturno y las estaciones mineras del Cinturón. Cuando su tripulación y él se topan con la Scopuli, una nave abandonada, descubren un secreto que desearían no haber encontrado. Un secreto por el que alguien sería capaz de matar, matar a una escala que Jim y su tripulación no imaginan. La guerra en el Sistema Solar está a punto de comenzar, a menos que sean capaces de descubrir quién abandonó la nave y por qué. El inspector Miller busca a una chica. Una chica entre …
La novela en que se basa la primera temporada de la serie de TV de Syfy The Expanse. Bienvenidos al futuro... La humanidad ha colonizado el Sistema Solar: Marte, la Luna, el cinturón de asteroides y más allá, pero las estrellas aún están fuera de nuestro alcance. Jim Holden es segundo de a bordo de un transportador de hielo que realiza misiones entre los anillos de Saturno y las estaciones mineras del Cinturón. Cuando su tripulación y él se topan con la Scopuli, una nave abandonada, descubren un secreto que desearían no haber encontrado. Un secreto por el que alguien sería capaz de matar, matar a una escala que Jim y su tripulación no imaginan. La guerra en el Sistema Solar está a punto de comenzar, a menos que sean capaces de descubrir quién abandonó la nave y por qué. El inspector Miller busca a una chica. Una chica entre mil millones, pero los padres de ella son gente adinerada, y el dinero lo es todo. Cuando las pistas lo llevan a la Scopuli y a Holden, un simpatizante de los rebeldes, se da cuenta de que aquella chica quizá sea la clave de todo. Holden y Miller deben atar los cabos entre el gobierno de la Tierra, los revolucionarios de los planetas exteriores y corporaciones secretas, y lo tienen todo en su contra. Pero en el Cinturón hay otras reglas, y una pequeña nave puede cambiar el destino del universo.
For me, this was a frontier western story in space, and I was not sure why I should be interested. It made me question the whole premise of 'humanity conquers the solar system/universe' science fiction. Why would humanity settle Mars and the Asteroid Belt to begin with, and why would society change so little in that process?
If you like mystery, violence, horror and want it set in space, this might just be your thing; it did not appeal to me.
A compelling space opera with hits of noir, thriller, and horror. Very CIShet for what I normally read, but really good. Fastest I've finished a book of this size in ages.
Um, here's a thought, but don't read it unless you've already read the book, okay:
I feel kinda horrible to say it, but I was kinda glad when Miller got killed off. Not that I wasn't sad; he was one of my favorite characters, and I really loved how he developed over the course of the novel. It's just like this: if I'm going to stick around for a what, nine-book series, I want to see that the authors aren't afraid of change. Too many books I've read are afraid to let anything happen because they want their readers to keep loving the characters they first saw. (The Oz series is predominantly on my mind; every book solved the conflict with yet another magic object to the point where one of the later plots--and in my opinion one of the more interesting ones--has an evil magician steal all their magic …
Um, here's a thought, but don't read it unless you've already read the book, okay:
I feel kinda horrible to say it, but I was kinda glad when Miller got killed off. Not that I wasn't sad; he was one of my favorite characters, and I really loved how he developed over the course of the novel. It's just like this: if I'm going to stick around for a what, nine-book series, I want to see that the authors aren't afraid of change. Too many books I've read are afraid to let anything happen because they want their readers to keep loving the characters they first saw. (The Oz series is predominantly on my mind; every book solved the conflict with yet another magic object to the point where one of the later plots--and in my opinion one of the more interesting ones--has an evil magician steal all their magic stuff, so they have to work without. I mean, seriously: how can you keep a story interesting when one character has a belt that lets them do literally anything?)
Anyway, by killing Miller, the authors have convinced me that they're going to do what's right to make an interesting story, even if it hurts the reader's feelings a bit. And that's all right. In fact, I much prefer that to static characters. I don't want a bunch of novels with practically identical plots. (I'm talking to you, Sherlock Holmes and Hardy Boys.)
And to those who have read further into the series (preferably until Cibola Burn):
Yes, I realize Miller came back. My point stands; he definitely was extremely changed and arguably not even the original person at all.
Truly fantastic book, I enjoyed it thoroughly. One of the best pieces of sci-fi I've read in years. I spent many late nights on this story. I bought it because I liked the series, and I'm SO glad I did!