Editions of Kamera obskura
Kamera Obskura.
Russian language
Published Oct. 29, 2000 by Azbuka.
- 978-5-267-00210-3
Laughter in the dark
186 pages
English language
Published Oct. 29, 1969 by Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
Risa En La Oscuridad
Spanish language
Published Aug. 29, 2000 by Anagrama.
- 978-84-339-6917-0
Tiêng cuoi trong dêm tôi
406 pages
Vietnamese language
Published Oct. 29, 1961 by Hai Dang.
Camera oscura
234 pages
Italian language
Published Oct. 29, 1947 by Muggiani.
Kamera obskura
203 pages
Russian language
Published Oct. 29, 1930 by "Sovremennyi︠a︡ Zapiski".
Laughter in the dark.
English language
Published Oct. 29, 1950 by New American Library.
Laughter in the dark
Undetermined language
Published Oct. 29, 1960 by New Directions.
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