Siegfried Loraine Sassoon, CBE, MC was an English poet, writer, and soldier. Decorated for bravery on the Western Front, he became one of the leading poets of the First World War. His poetry both described the horrors of the trenches, and satirised the patriotic pretensions of those who, in Sassoon's view, were responsible for a jingoism-fuelled war. Sassoon became a focal point for dissent within the armed forces when he made a lone protest against the continuation of the war in his "Soldier's Declaration" of 1917, culminating in his admission to a military psychiatric hospital; this resulted in his forming a friendship with Wilfred Owen, who was greatly influenced by him. Sassoon later won acclaim for his prose work, notably his three-volume fictionalised autobiography, collectively known as the "Sherston trilogy". - Wikipedia
Siegfried Sassoon
Author details
- Born:
- Sept. 8, 1886
- Died:
- Sept. 1, 1967
External links
Books by Siegfried Sassoon

Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes
by Mary Wollstonecraft, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, and 119 others